Sri. Jayakumar S. Patil, Chairman Karnataka Bar Council, said “Distribution of The Holy Quran in Kannada language by Salaam Centre has brought the people closer. People think that Quran is available in Urdu or Arabic languages and they keep away from it as they are unaware of its meaning, and this leads to fear and doubtfulness. By having translated and distributed in a large scale in Kannada language, such notions have been eliminated. Secondly, when it reaches the masses, they realize the common factors among them; this may bring people closer to a marginal extent. Slowly this helps us form a unified community and lead to harmony. So I take pleasure in congratulating the Salaam Centre’s incredible job. Thirdly, Just now, when I went through the Quran for the first time, I came across a verse in Page 84 (Chapter Baqarah, Verse 282 & 283), I was quite amazed about the verse, which can be applied to any human being irrespective or religion, class or creed, but it would fetch a lot of benefits such things can also be applied to our lives. Every thing that is stated here has a basis of trust and accountability to the Almighty God. The Quran emphasis that Almighty God is The All-Seer of what you do, and there fore fulfill your trust accordingly. This way we can come to conclusion that This Book is speaking about justice and nothing against justice. This will make people realize that Islam is a religion of Peace and Tranquility. |