Introductory Speech of the Holy Quran by Mr. Syed Hamid Mohsin Chairman Salaam Centre

Quran Is The Mirror Of The Universe

All Perfect Praise Be To Almighty

Honorable Mr. Chief Justice of High Court Mr.V.Gopal Gowda,
Honourable Mr. Justice H.N. Nagamohan Das
Honourable Mr. Justice Jawad Rahim,
Sri Jayakumar S Patil, Chairman Karnataka State Bar Council,
Sri K.N. Puttegowda, President Advocates Association Bangalore.
and other legal luminaries, dignitaries, and respected members of legal fraternity.
It is indeed matter of great honour and privilege for me to present before you a brief introduction of the Holy Quran.
The word Quran literally means reading or recitation. The Quran is the divine word revealed as such to humankind—in “Arabic pure and clear”—and it is all at once a reminder, a light, and a miracle.” Almighty Allah revealed the Holy Quran upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over a period of 23 years. As soon as he received a revelation, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) communicated to his companions and asked them to learn it by heart–in order to recite it during the prayers—and also He ordered them to write it down.

The Quran is addressed to all of humanity; transcending all barriers and limitations of race, region or time. Further, it seeks to guide man in all walks of life; spiritual, temporal, individual and collective.
The Quran contains directions for the conduct of the head of the state as well as the simple commoner, the rich as well as the poor; it also contains directions for peace as well as wars, for spiritual well-being and for commercial and material prosperity.

The Holy Quran seeks to develop the personality of the individuals and to shape them into an ideal society for an era where goodness and virtue may flourish and evil and vice be eliminated. It declares that every human being will be personally responsible and answerable to his Creator.

The Quran adopts various ways and methods for enabling man to understand the truth. It related stories, parables and invokes testimonies of history to show what the right course is and what doomed the nations in the past.

“The method of the Quran is not only to give commands, but also to educate mankind and convince them about the validity and usefulness of its injunctions. The Holy Quran, gives a masterly exposition of the fundamental truths of religion and a complete scheme of life, namely: the Existence and Unity of God; His Divine Attributes, the principles of reward for good deeds and punishment for evil deeds, the certainty of life after death, accountability before The Almighty God On The Day Of Judgment Which is Reserved, the existence of Heaven and Hell and the truth and necessity of revelation and so on.

The Quran is a comprehensive code of life Covering each and every aspect and phase of human life. This Book of God the Holy Quran lays down the best of rules relating to International Conduct, commerce, economics, and social life, marriage and inheritance Of Property. It also gives penal laws, Partition Laws, maintenance laws, divorce laws, civic laws, and so on.

The Holy Quran offers a solution to the most serious problems of man’s life on this earth, such as: the distribution of wealth; the relationship between individual and society; the question of man’s true status and creation of life; the balanced relationship between man and woman;
The Holy Quran contains nothing against reason, and nothing can be proved wrong. None of its injunctions is unjust and not a single verse misleading. From the beginning to the end, the whole book is full of wisdom and truth. It contains the best of philosophy and choicest of law for human civilization. It guides man to right path, success and salvation.

From nature to the requirement of ethics and equity in the human behavior every thing points to remembrances of the creator, whose primary manifestation is goodness and mercy. He has revealed the text itself in the name of His benevolence towards People.

From the outset, The Quran present itself as a mirror of the Universe.
The Quran a revealed book. The written text is made of up “signs” (ayah) just as the universe, like a text spread out before our eyes, is teeming with sings. When the hearts intelligence, and not only analytical intelligence, reads the Quran and the world, then the two text addresses and echo each other, , and each of them speaks of the other and of the ONE, The sings remind us of what its means to be born, to live, to think, to feel, and to die.

This book of All mighty Allah, and its encompasses knowledge of all times and generations. it is guidance per excellence. and will continue to guide humanity forever, its marvels are never ending just as this book was fully capable of guiding the world some fifteen hundred years ago, as it remains today, and will continue till the day of judgment. Very many nations will seek and find guidance in it according to their need and capacities. This however, will not any way diminish its reservoir of knowledge and wisdom, not even by the amount of water on a needle after being taken out of the Ocean.

The Quran is rather more like a gold mine – the deeper and harder you dig, the more you again,
I request you to seek Guidance from it, read it not just once, twice, or few times only, but rather continuously, repeatedly, may Almighty Allah guide us.

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