About Us

Spreading the message of Peace

Salaam Centre Foundation was established and registered in the year 2008, for the noble task of educating people about the divine message--the Holy Quran. Salaam Centre creates an awareness of the truth that the Holy Quran is the final word of Almighty God revealed on the last Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him) to guide humanity, so that they can lead a successful and peaceful life, and get rewarded in the hereafter by attaining salvation. Salaam Centre, endeavours to de-bunk myths about Quran, life of Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and Islam, so that people of our country get the true picture and come closer to each other. This will foster unity, brotherhood, communal harmony, and progress. Salaam Centre, facilitates understanding of Quranic message, life of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and Islam.
Infrastructure: Salaam centre (Islamic information Centre, conference Hall, Seminar / Video Hall, Quran Distribution Centre/ Dawah Centre)



Production of audio, visual, and multimedia material.


Awareness campaigns through Electronic, Print and Outdoor Media.


Organising lectures, conferences, and interfaith brotherhood programmes.

Public Gatherings

Participating in exhibitions and public gatherings.


Printing and publishing of books and leaflets