Honorable Justice Mr. Jawad Rahim said
The Author of the Quran is Almighty Allah, The Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. The Quran was revealed bit by bit over a period of 23 years through the angel Gabriel, at different places and different circumstances, based on the requirement.
The Quran is our “Life Instruction Manual”. It contains all we need in order to live happy and successful lives here on earth and, more importantly, in the next life. Together with the Sunnah (practices and sayings of The Holy Prophet Peace be upon Him) it forms a complete blueprint for life.
On the whole we find in it a collection of wisdom which can be adopted by the most intelligent of men, the greatest of philosophers and the most skilful of politicians. It also contains numerous warnings and admonitions to mankind to leave sin and to follow the straight path. The Holy Quran talks of Paradise and Hell and details many Islamic Laws, such as those pertaining to divorce, inheritance and so forth. The Quran transformed the hard hearts of the Arabs of Mecca over 1,430 years ago and it still holds the same power today. Hearing the Quran stirs something deep inside your soul. It speaks to man’s deep, instinctive need to connect with His Creator, and what better way than through His Book, the Holy Quran.
It was, therefore, neither by means of violence of arms, nor through the pressure of obtrusive missionaries, that caused the great and rapid diffusion of Islam, but, above all, through the fact that this Book, presented by the Muslims to the vanquished with the liberty to accept it or reject it, was the Book of God to the Entire MANKIND.
Salaam Centre has taken great efforts in circulating the Truth to the world with earnestness, so that brotherhood could be established among mankind. By educating the people about the Truth and the God’s Word, in a most befitting way.”